Besançon values and colours
Arising from the territory, the brand was jointly created by stakeholders based on elements that give the land its essence.

Audacious positioning
The happiness factory
Besançon and its district offer all the ingredients of happiness: spaces, time, inspiring nature at every moment, great encounters, opportunities, unique know-how, economic impetus geared to the future.
To each their own recipe in this creative ecosystem: alone or in a group, seeking freedom or revitalization, making dreams come true or growing one’s projects, for a day or forever.
In this bubbling metropolitan area, desires, ideas, and initiatives come to life. Everyone can find fertile ground for fulfilling their potential.
Here, the happiness experience is within everyone’s reach.
The brand concept

A signature that rings out
Boosteur de bonheur
Two 2-syllable words, alliteration on a “b”, resonance via the “eur” ending, altogether making it easy to remember.
The word Boosteur, a Frenchification of Booster, expresses the territory’s dynamic aspect, the added value it can bring to each individual wanting to see their projects emerge. Then the word Bonheur—happiness—because this is a place where contentment is accessible and the subject of individual and collective aspirations in our time. Besançon happiness Booster is an apt description of the brand name Besançon Boosteur de Bonheur used for international communication.
Single letter logo design
The chosen banner is a single letter in a modern typeface, with the two-piece b providing movement and balance. It’s the b from Besançon, it’s a bridge reflected in the river Doubs, it’s two parts that connect to form a whole, a harmony.
Its streamlined, no-frills design reflects the area’s mellowness as well as its modern outlook and economic energy. Its coupling of two modules expresses the simplicity of human relations and Besançon’s “in-it-together” mindset.
Accompanying texts are in a typeface reworked to match that of the logo, infusing these identifying characteristics into all our communication media.