
On this page we will try to guide you through using the website.

To consult this website’s accessibility levels, see the RGAA 4 2019 declaration of compliance.

The international web accessibility initiative (WAI) defines web accessibility as follow:

Web accessibility means that websites, tools, and technologies are designed and developed so that people with disabilities can use them.

More specifically, people can perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with the Web and also contribute to the Web

Web accessibility also benefits people without disabilities, for example older people with changing abilities due to ageing

Web accessibility encompasses all disabilities that affect access to the Web, including auditory, cognitive, neurological, physical, speech related, and visual. 

See WAI introduction.

Website layout

Main navigation

The website is divided into four main sections. These all have direct access from the main navigation menu:

  • Home page
  • Discover Besançon
  • The brand
  • News
Other navigation systems
  • Site map accessible from a link at the bottom of the page

Navigation by heading

  • The level 1 heading is the main title of the page
  • The level 2 heading is the title of the content being consulted.

Most assistance and browser technologies facilitate browsing by title. Most screen reading devices contain functionality for skipping to the next title

Quick access link

Quick access links at the beginning of a document enable easy navigation to the main page sections.

Reporting bugs

If we have overlooked something that causes you accessibility problems on our website despite the care we have taken, please get straight in touch with us by e-mail to .


If you encounter and notify us of an accessibility fault that prevents your access to website content or features and we do not respond in reasonable time, you have the right to complain to or demand action by the “Défenseur des droits” (ombudsman). You can do this by a number of means:

via a contact form

via the list of delegates in your region with their direct contact information

by letter to Le Défenseur des droits, 7 rue Saint-Florentin, 75409 Paris Cedex 08, France.